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Schizothecium conicum
Family: LasiosphaeriaceaeGenus: Schizothecium
Anamorph: Phialophora-like, only seen in culture. Conidiomata and conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells formed singly or in irregular whorls from vegetative hyphae, 6-10 (-16) x 3-5 µm, irregular in shape but usually pyriform with a flared collarette, proliferating percurrently. Conidia ca 3 x 2 µm, obovoid with a truncate base, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, without an epispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, 250-650 µm diam. and 400-950 µm tall, pyriform, the neck dark and tapering, to ca 200 µm in length, surrounded by pale to mid brown agglutinated hairs 30-110 µm in length composed of 3-5 short hairs joined laterally, the terminal cells pointed and usually darker brown, sometimes also with hypha-like hairs. Peridium pale to mid brown, membranous, composed of several layers of angular cells. Interascal tissue cylindric-moniliform, composed of chains of very thin-walled globose to ellipsoidal cells, deliquescent at maturity. Asci 200-230 x 25-32 µm, cylindric-clavate with a gradually tapering stalk, thin-walled, the apex rounded, with an apical plug and a small iodine-negative apical ring sometimes visible, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, the upper cell 22-29 (-31) x 13-18 µm, dark brown to almost black, ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal or limoniform, sometimes slightly inaequilateral, the base truncate and the apex obtuse, smooth, with an apical germ pore; the lower cell (5-) 7-12 (-16) x 2-2.5 µm, persistent, cylindrical, sometimes curved, hyaline and thin-walled; with elongate whip-like apical and basal gelatinous sheaths, the apical sheath usually broader and sometimes somewhat eccentric and the basal sheath extending to cover the basal cell.