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Sawadaea bicornis
Family: ErysiphaceaeGenus: Sawadaea
Anamorph: colonies on either side of leaves, effuse or forming white patches, sometimes evanescent. Appressoria variably shaped, papillate or lobed, sometimes inconspicuous. Conidiophores erect, the basal cell (20-) 30-50 x (6-) 7.5-10 µm. Conidia formed in chains, usually with two or three immature conidia at the base of the chain. Conidia (20-) 25-35 (-38) x (12-) 13-18 (-22) µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal, ± octagonal in transverse section, thin-walled, hyaline, aseptate, the surface smooth or with inconspicuous striate to dendritic ornamentation, containing fibrosin bodies, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages. Microconidia also frequently produced from smaller conidiophores, the conidia measuring 12-18 x 5-12 µm.
Teleomorph: ascomata cleistothecia, scattered or in small clusters, 150-180 (-200) µm diam., globose to slightly oblate, black in surface view when mature. Peridium dark brown, composed of thick-walled angular cells 8-12 µm diam., the upper part covered with complex hyaline smooth thick-walled refractive appendages. Appendages to ca 100 µm in length, when mature usually with 2-3 bifurcations or rarely trifurcations in the top third, the apices circinate or slightly helically coiled. Interascal tissue not seen. Asci 6-12 per ascoma, 50-85 x 30-55 µm, ± globose to obpyriform with a papillate apex, almost sessile, thick-walled but not fissitunicate, fracturing irregularly, 8-spored. Ascospores 23-27 x 12.5-14 µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal to ovoid-cylindrical, sometimes weakly fabiform, hyaline, aseptate, thin-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.