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Sarcogyne regularis
Family: AcarosporaceaeGenus: Sarcogyne
Thallus generally immersed and inconspicuous, to white or grey and then scurfy. Prothallus absent. Photobiont chlorococcoid.
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, (0.3-) 0.4-1.5 (-2) mm diam., sessile or ± sunken into pits in the substrate, ± discoid. Disc red-brown to black, generally densely blue-grey pruinose. Thalline exciple absent. True exciple black, often more densely pruinose than the disc and then white-grey, not or slightly raised, not crenulate, finally becoming excluded, to 50 μm thick, composed of compacted radiating hyphae, hyaline internally, tips swollen and dark brown at the surface. Epithecium red-brown, ± crystalline. Hymenium (65-) 70-100 (-110) μm tall, hyaline, I+ blue. Hypothecium ± hyaline. Interascal tissue composed of rather broad thick-walled unbranched paraphyses, hardly swollen at the apices. Asci 60-85 × 14-18 μm, broadly cylindrical to ± saccate, short-stalked, the apex rounded, strongly thickened at the apex, the apical dome K/I–; outer coat K/I+ blue, 100- to 200-spored. Ascospores 3-5 (-6) × 1.5-2 μm, cylindrical with rounded ends to bacillar, aseptate, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, without an epispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Chemistry: no lichen products present.