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Rosellinia britannica
Family: XylariaceaeGenus: Rosellinia
Anamorph: Geniculosporium sp. Conidiophores developing in the subiculum of young colonies, variable in length, to 4 µm diam., light brown to brown. Conidia 6-8 x 3-4.5 µm, ellipsoidal with a truncate base, light brown, aseptate.
Teleomorph: stromata 0.7-1.4 mm diam., 0.6-1 mm high, subglobose with a flattened top, with bluntly papillate ostioles, in young stage dark brown, black when mature, scattered or in small groups, sometimes fused together. Subiculum limited to the base of the stromata, at first light brown to brown, felted, disappearing and eventually completely absent in mature specimens. Ectostroma 25-100 µm thick, soft when fresh, carbonaceous when dry and old, black. Entostroma cream coloured to brown or brown-grey, restricted to the sides and bottom of the stroma, mostly lacking at maturity. Ascomata perithecia, 500-900 µm high, 600-1000 µm in diameter. Asci 180-265 x 7-20 µm, spore-bearing part 110-180 µm long, stipe 50-100 µm; with an apical structure 5.5-8 µm high, diam. above 3.5-5 µm, diam. below 2.7-4.5 µm, composed of a thin outer chitinous refractive ring and inner part blueing in iodine; 8-spored. Ascospores 20-27.5 x 5-10.5 µm, asymmetrically ellipsoidal with a flattened side, brown to dark brown, with a straight germ slit extending over nearly the whole spore length on the flattened side; ascospore ends and the flat side surrounded by a gelatinous coat, to 4 µm long at each end, disappearing with age.
Description adapted from Petrini et al. (1989).