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Puccinia ribesii-pendulae
Family: PucciniaceaeGenus: Puccinia
Spermogonia epiphyllous, in small clusters, honey-coloured.
Aecia usually hypophyllous, on stems, petioles and fruits, in reddish, yellow or purplish spots in dense clusters, causing swellings and distortion; cupulate with a torn white recurved peridium. Peridial cells in longitudinal rows, almost cuboid, the outer wall ca 7 µm thick and the inner wall 3-5 µm thick, with a distinct tessellate structure. Aeciospores 16-26 x 12-20 µm, polygonal with orange contents, the wall hyaline, verruculose, ca 1 µm thick.
Uredinia usually hypophyllous, scattered or arranged in lines, oblong in outline, ca 500 µm long and 200 µm wide, pale brown. Urediniospores 26-28 x 20-24 µm, broadly ellipsoidal to ovoid, yellow-brown, echinulate, the wall 1.5-2.5 µm thick, usually with 3 ± equatorial pores.
Telia usually hypophyllous, scattered or arranged in lines, to ca 1 mm long, oblong in outline, sometimes confluent, pulvinate, blackish brown. Teliospores 42-54 x 18-21 µm, the apex 6-10 µm thick, clavate, usually rounded at the apex, the upper cell much broader and shorter than the lower one, constricted at the septum, smooth, brown, darker at the apex. Pedicels yellowish, persistent, up to half the length of the spore.