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Podospora appendiculata
Family: LasiosphaeriaceaeGenus: Podospora
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, scattered or in small clusters, 650-800 x 450-600 µm, superficial, ellipsoidal to ovoid, without a distinct neck, the entire surface covered with rigid brown obtuse- and hyaline-tipped 1- to 3-septate hairs 55-75 x 4-5 µm in size with a forked or curved base. Peridium coriaceous to almost rubbery, very thick, 3-layered, opaque, dark brown, blackish around the ostiole, 60-80 µm thick and thicker around the ostiole, the outer layer of dark brown irregularly angular to epidermoid cells 6-10 µm diam., the middle layer very thick, yellow-brown and gelatinous and the inner layer thin and more darkly pigmented. Interascal tissue of filiform ventricose paraphyses. Asci 210-240 x 23-28 µm (to ca 35 µm diam. containing fully mature spores), narrowly clavate, fairly short-stalked, the apical part somewhat attenuated, fairly thick-walled but not fissitunicate, the apex rounded, with an inconspicuous apical ring 3-4 µm diam. and a globose plug-like structure to 6 µm diam.; 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, at first aseptate, hyaline and fusiform, becoming clavate and transversely septate; the upper cell 25-29 x 12.5-15.5 µm, dark brown to almost black when mature, equilateral, ± ellipsoidal, truncate at the base, pointed above with an apical germ pore; the lower cell (pedicel) 10-12 x 4-5.5 µm, cylindrical or somewhat tapering, hyaline to pale brown, collapsing. Apical gelatinous appendage covering the germ pore, 48-60 x 6-7.5 µm [Lundqvist 1972], lash-like, sometimes with a few transverse incisions, round in cross-section, hollow; basal appendage 38-50 x 4-5 µm, of similar outline and structure, attached to the end of the pedicel or enveloping it; both appenadges persistent, not swelling in water or blackening in Indian ink.