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Plagiostoma aesculi
Family: GnomoniaceaeGenus: Plagiostoma
Stromata poorly developed, on fresh dead twigs. Ascomata in groups of 3–10, black, oblate spheroidal when moist, convex, usually with irregular dents on top when dry, 300–450 μm high × 380–600 μm diam. Necks converged with others in group, eccentric to marginal, slightly curved, 420–700 μm long, 100–150 μm wide at base, 60–150 μm wide at apex. Asci fusiform, (45.5–)48.5–67(–78.5) × (10–)12.5–16(–21.5) μm, apical ring absent, with eight ascospores arranged obliquely biseriate to irregularly multiseriate. Ascospores variable in size and shape, ellipsoidal to fusiform, (13–)17.5–20(–23.5) × (3.5–)4–5(–6.5) μm, l:w (2.6–)3.5–4.4(–5.7), two-celled, constricted or not constricted at the median septum, ends rounded to tapering, distal cell often slightly wider than basal; appendages usually absent, if present, subulate, length to 5 μm.
Description adapted from Sogonov et al. (2008). The species has until recently been placed in Cryptodiaporthe; that is now considered a synonym of Plagiostoma by Sogonov et al. (2008) and Mejia et al. (2008). Sutton (1980) describes an anamorph for this species, referred by him to Diplodina aesculi; this is similar to the anamorph of P. salicellum with conidiomata to 1.5 mm diam, conidiophores to 35 x 4 µm and conidia 17-19.5 x 3-3.5 µm, long-fusiform and 1-septate. The correlation between anamorph and teleomorph needs confirmation.