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Phragmidium sanguisorbae
Family: PhragmidiaceaeGenus: Phragmidium
Spermogonia amphigenous, in rounded groups on purple spots, flat, honey-coloured.
Aecia amphigenous, caeomoid, often in rings around the spermogonia, minute (larger and more elongate on the petioles and nerves), orange, surrounded by curved clavate paraphyses. Aeciospores 18-25 x 16-22 µm, globose or ellipsoidal, yellow, the wall densely verrucose with 6-8 indistinct pores.
Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, scattered, very small (less than 250 µm diam.), orange-yellow, surrounded by curved clavate paraphyses 30-50 µm long and 10-17 µm broad. Urediniospores 17-24 x 16-20 µm, globose to ellipsoidal, orange-yellow, the wall 1-1.5 µm thick, echinulate with 6-8 indistinct pores.
Telia hypophyllous, 250-1000 µm diam., scattered, rounded, surrounded by numerous clavate curved paraphyses to 60 µm in length. Teliospores 40-70 x 20-26 µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal to cylindrical, usually 4-celled but some with 2-5 cells, slightly constricted at the septa, the apex rounded with a hyaline papilla to 5 µm in length, the base rounded, dark brown, the wall with scattered minute warts, with 2-3 pores in each cell, the pedicels 20-25 x 10-14 µm, hyaline, very thick-walled.