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Phaeosphaeriopsis glaucopunctata
Family: PhaeosphaeriaceaeGenus: Phaeosphaeriopsis
Anamorph: Coniothyrium-like. Conidiomata 120-220 µm diam., globose to oblate, the ostiole hardly papillate, rather thick-walled. Conidia 6-9.5 x 2.5-4 µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal to ovoid, the apex rounded, the base often acute, golden brown, aseptate, fairly thick-walled, apparently smooth.
Teleomorph: ascostromata perithecial, 180-300 µm diam., ± globose, immersed, visible from the surface as minute black slightly domed dots, the ostiole distinctly papillate, slightly protruding from the host surface, immersed in an inconspicuous mycelial mat. Peridium composed of 5-7 layers of fairly thick-walled mid brown angular tissue with cells to 9 µm diam. Interascal tissue composed of numerous fairly thick-walled remotely septate cellular pseudoparaphyses to 4 µm diam., without a mucous coating. Asci 68-82 x 10-13 µm, cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, thick-walled and fissitunicate, the apex rounded with a conspicuous ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, 19-24 x 4.5-6 µm, cylindrical, usually straight, the apices acute to obtuse, 4-septate, constricted especially at the distinctly submedian primary septum, the cell above slightly inflated, yellowish to reddish brown, minutely verrucose, with a mucous sheath that is sometimes well-developed.