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Phaeosphaeria fuckelii
Family: PhaeosphaeriaceaeGenus: Phaeosphaeria
Anamorph: Stagonospora sp. Conidiomata pycnidia, 120-180 µm diam, ± globose with a papillate ostiole, brown to black, peridium 20-30 µm thick, composed of an outer layer of dark brown angular cells and an inner layer of flattened hyaline angular cells. Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells formed from the inner cells of the peridium, doliiform, proliferation obscure. Conidia 40-70 (-95) x 3-4 (-6) µm, cylindrical but tapering towards the apex in the upper third, the apex obtuse to acute and the base ± truncate, 3- to 7- (to 15-) septate, golden brown, thin- and smooth-walled, without an epispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Teleomorph: Ascostromata perithecial, unilocular, 140-230 µm diam, globose to globose-conical, the apex distinctly papillate, scattered or in extended clusters of 2-3, rarely coalescing, immersed, black. Peridium 15-25 µm thick, composed of 4-5 layers of mid brown thin-walled angular tissue. Interascal tissue of copious thin-walled cellular pseudoparaphyses to ca 2.5 µm diam. Asci 70-100 x 9-11 µm, cylindrical to narrowly cylindric-clavate, short-stalked, thick-walled and fissitunicate, the apex rounded with a very inconspicuous ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores 22-32 x 3.5-4.5 µm, ± cylindrical but tapered in the lower portion, 5-septate, the apex rounded and the base acute, hardly constricted at the primary septum, the cell immediately above inflated, with 3 further septa in the upper portion, the lower portion usually 1-septate, pale brown, smooth, with a variably developed mucous sheath and sometimes also a gelatinous appendage.