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Ophiobolus ponticus
Family: PhaeosphaeriaceaeGenus: Ophiobolus
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascostromata perithecial, 200-320 µm diam. and 250-375 µm high; scattered or in loose clusters, erumpent, pyriform, without hairs or spines, the neck 90-130 µm diam. and 80-90 µm long, not ridged, lined with hyaline periphyses 30-60 x 2-3 µm and without projecting brown hyphae around the ostiole. Peridium 20-25 µm thick, composed of 4-6 layers, externally with subglobose cells 7-10 µm diam., internally with angular cells 10-16 x 3-5 µm in size. Interascal tissue of septate cellular pseudoparaphyses 2-3 µm diam., fairly sparse and partially deliquescing. Asci numerous, 100-130 x 8-10 µm, cylindrical to narrowly cylindric-clavate, gradually tapering towards the short stalk, the apex rounded, fissitunicate with a well-developed ocular chamber, not blueing in iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores parallel or partially helically coiled, 70-90 x 4.0-4.5 µm, cylindrical, yellowish brown, usually 11- or 13-septate at maturity, the fourth (sometimes the sixth or seventh when mature) cell from the apex enlarged at its base, constricted at the fourth (primary) septum at about a quarter of its length, the basal part slightly and gradually tapered and sometimes bent, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.