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Ochrolechia androgyna
Family: OchrolechiaceaeGenus: Ochrolechia
Thallus very variable, rather thick, coarsely, irregularly granular-verrucose, often irregular, but some forms can be thin, even and continuous; white to dark grey, occasionally tinged brown, usually wide-spreading. Prothallus often conspicuous, pale grey. Soralia to 1.5-3 mm diam., rounded and convex or becoming irregular, yellow-green to grey-green, scattered or sometimes coalescing to form a ± continuous sorediate crust.
Anamorph: no information available.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, occasional, scattered, 2-4 mm diam. Thalline exciple entire, prominent, usually persistent, partly sorediate. Disc pale pink to orange-brown, not pruinose, concave at first, becoming flat. Ascospores 30-45 × 13-22 μm.
Chemistry: thallus C+ red, K–, KC+ orange-red, Pd–, UV– (gyrophoric acid and accessory unknowns).