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Nitschkia confertula
Family: NitschkiaceaeGenus: Nitschkia
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: Subiculum a thin, appressed, variably developed network of melanized hyphae to ca 9 µm diam., of indefinite extent, often covering the surface of the bark of decorticated wood to a distance of several cm. Ascomata 300-500 µm diam, turbinate to pulvinate, shallowly to deeply cupulate when dry, superficial, attached to the subiculum by prominent basal hairs, strongly clustered at the centres of colonies but scattered towards their periphery. Ascomatal wall black, minutely roughened with definite tubercles, coriaceous, composed of rather large brown-walled pseudoparenchymatous cells with annular Munk pores ca 1 µm diam, becoming less strongly pigmented and thinner-walled towards the internal cavity, lacking hairs or spines, the ostiole inconspicuous. Interascal tissue absent, but a rather short cushion-like "Quellkörper" composed of concentrically and transversely oriented cells with very thick hyaline strongly refractive walls and narrow lumina is present below where the ostiole develops. Asci 25-35 x 9-15 µm (the part containing the spores), broadly clavate, tapering into a long, thread-like stalk to ca 30 µm in length; thin-walled, evanescent, 8-spored. Ascospores unordered within the ascus, (7.5-) 8-10 x 3-4.5 µm, ovoid to ellipsoidal, occasionally more narrowed toward one end, frequently flattened on one side or subreniform, frequently biguttulate and then sometimes appearing pseudoseptate, initially smoky-grey but becoming golden brown, in mass yellowish-brown, smooth, lacking a gelatinous sheath or appendages.