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Neonectria punicea
Family: NectriaceaeGenus: Neonectria
Anamorph: Cylindrocarpon-like. Conidiomata absent. Microconidiophores absent, the conidiogenous cells terminal or developing as short lateral branches, ± cylindrical but tapering slightly towards the apex, proliferating percurrently with periclinal thickening and a small collarette. Microconidia 5.5-11.5 x 2.5-4 µm, ellipsoidal to cylindric-ellipsoidal, hyaline, sometimes becoming 1-septate. Macroconidia formed from similar conidiogenous cells, formed from simple to repeatedly branched conidiophores; 80-115 x 5-6 µm, ± cylindrical with rounded ends but often tapering slightly towards the apex, straight or only slightly curved, usually 7- to 9-septate, hyaline, thin-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, densely crowded and developing in succession on an erumpent stroma composed of globose thin-walled tissue, 250-350 µm diam., globose to ovoid, minutely papillate with a small, slightly more pigmented apical disc, red to purplish brown. Peridium 30-40 µm thick, smooth, composed of an outer layer of ± globose thick-walled cells mostly 6-8 µm diam., a central layer of yellowish globose to elongate thinner-walled cells and an inner layer of flattened hyaline tissue. Interascal tissue absent, at least at maturity. Asci 65-85 x 7-10(-12) µm, cylindric-clavate with a short stalk and rounded apex, thin-walled, not fissitunicate, without a clearly defined apical ring, 8-spored. Ascospores uniseriately or partially biseriately arranged, often varying considerably in size and shape even within the ascus, 11.5-13(-14) x 4-5(-6) µm, fusiform-ellipsoidal, sometimes with a slight constriction at the median septum, thin-walled, eventually becoming pale yellow-brown and slightly roughened, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.