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Natantiella ligneola
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Natantiella
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, immersed in the substratum with only the long neck visible, solitary or in small clusters, the body 350-500 µm diam., globose, dark brown to black, glabrous, with a cylindrical periphysate neck 400–1200 µm long and 90–120 µm diam. Peridium leathery, 30–40 mm thick, with an outer layer of polyhedral cells (elongate in the neck), and an inner layer of hyaline, thin-walled cells. Interascal tissue of paraphyses, abundant, constricted at the septa, 4-5 µm diam., near the base, tapering to ca 2 µm towards the tip, longer than the asci. Asci clavate and long-stalked, the spore-enclosing part (35–) 40–52 x (8–) 9–13 µm long, thin-walled and not fissitunicate, the apex rounded-truncate with a distinct shallow refractive apical ring, the stipe 15–45 µm long, tapering, evanescent, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (9–) 10–12.5 (–14) x 3.5–4 µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal, often slightly inaequilateral, the ends rounded, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, without an epispore or gelatinous sheath.
Description adapted from Réblová & Štěpánek (2009).