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Myriangium duriaei
Family: MyriangiaceaeGenus: Myriangium
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: stromata 1.5-4 mm diam. and 0.8-1.5 mm tall, cushion-shaped, matt black, divided into shorter or longer, often divergent lobes. Fertile lobes 200-800 µm diam. and 180-320 µm tall, discoid to shallowly cupulate, roundish in outline, above and laterally with an outer crust-like layer 35-55 µm thick, consisting of globose dark brown thick-walled 5-11 µm diam. that breaks apart irregularly to allow ascospore release. Basal (vegetative) stroma consisting of elongate, sometimes epidermoid greenish brown, rather thin-walled cells 5-9 µm diam. Asci formed at different heights in individual locules within a matrix of of thin-walled, light brown, globose to angular cells 5-8 µm diam.; 39-48 x 32-43 µm [37-50 µm in length fide von Arx 1963], ± spherical to broadly ellipsoidal, sessile, very thick-walled and multi-layered with the apical part 5-7μm thick, apical structures obscure, fissitunicate with rostrate dehiscence, nominally 8-spored but frequently with some failing to mature. Ascospores arranged irregularly, (26-) 29-38.5 x 12-16.6 µm [18-36 x 9-15 µm fide von Arx 1963], sometimes curved, muriform with 5-7 transverse septa and usually two incomplete and irregular longitudinal septa, the primary septum constricted and sometimes fracturing, the upper part usually slightly broader, hyaline or pale yellow, thick- and smooth-walled, without a perispore or gelatinous sheath.