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Monodictys cellulosa
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Monodictys
Colonies lichenicolous, scattered or in small clusters, visible as minute black radiating chains of propagules. Stroma not clearly defined. Conidiophores immersed to superficial, not well distinguished from vegetative tissue, the hyphae becoming somewhat broader and darker, with slightly thicker walls. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, monoblastic, the conidiogenous loci undifferentiated. Conidia singl or in unbranched or rarely branched chains, irregular, disarticulating, conidia (30-) 60-80 x (20-) 30-40 (to ca 120 x 50) µm, shape and size very variable, mostly ovoid to clavate or subcylindrical, usually strongly muriform, the ends ± rounded or with the apex beaked, sometimes forming irregular aggregations, dark brown or olivaceous, distinctly olivaceous in KOH, wall to ca 2 μm thick, smooth or faintly rugose.
Teleomorph: not known.