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Mollisia subglobosa
Family: MollisiaceaeGenus: Mollisia
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata apothecia, formed singly or in compact clusters of up to 10-12, rather irregular in form but initially circular and discoid, the margins becoming convoluted especially in clustered ascomata, not gelatinized. Disc grey-green, the margin and underside initially pale, the undersurface becoming mid brown with age. Outer wall (ectal excipulum) composed of irregular dark brown angular cells 7-13 µm diam., with an outer layer of hyaline to pale brown cylindrical to clavate cells measuring 8-11 x 3-4 µm. Subhymenial layer composed of poorly defined hyaline hyphal tissue. Interascal tissue of copious unbranched thin-walled paraphyses ca 2 µm diam., sometimes slightly inflated with narrowly clavate tips. Asci 72-87 x 4-5.5 µm, narrowly clavate with a long tapering stalk, the base sometimes forked indicating the presence of croziers, uniformly thin-walled, the apex obtuse to rounded, with an apical ring 2-3 µm diam. and ca 1 µm thick that stains blue in Lugol's iodine, the ascus contents dextrinoid in Melzer's reagent, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged uniseriately, 4.5-5.5 (-6) x 3-3.5 (-4) µm, ellipsoidal or rarely fusiform-ellipsoidal, aseptate, hyaline or very pale yellow in mass, fairly thin-walled, strongly reticulate, the network 0.75-1 µm diam., without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.