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Order: PleosporalesFamily: Lophiostomataceae
Anamorph: Aposphaeria-like where known.
Teleomorph: ascostromata perithecial, usually around 200 µm diam., growing in scattered groups, globose to pyriform, immersed with the ostiolar region round or elongate, papillate and erumpent through the host epidermis, glabrous or covered with sparse mycelial hairs. Peridium thick-walled especially at the apex where cells are strongly melanised; the ostiolar region lined with hyaline polyhedral cells from which periphyses develop. Interascal tissue of pseudoparaphyses. Asci numerous, clavate-cylindrical, short-stalked, thick-walled and fissitunicate, 8-spored. Ascospores fusiform to ellipsoidal or clavate, often curved, hyaline to dark brown, usually thick-walled, smooth or finely to coarsely granular, with multiple transverse septa and in some species longitudinal septa also, sometimes with a distinct epispore layer, surrounded by a gelatinous sheath.