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Lophiostoma sp. P3214
Family: LophiostomataceaeGenus: Lophiostoma
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: Ascostromata 200-450 µm diam., ± globose, erumpent in small to large clusters, sometimes coalescing, surrounded by amorphous melanized material with the substrate surface sometimes strongly blackened, with a papillate to cristate ostiole that hardly extends beyond the stromatic elements. Peridium thick, made up of many layers of strongly flattened cells. Interascal tissue composed of of branched septate pseudoparaphyses ca 2 µm diam., tending to deliquesce at maturity. Asci 120-150 x 12.5-15 µm, narrowly clavate, thick-walled and fissitunicate, the stalk short and tapering and the apex obtuse to rounded with a well developed ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, 29.5-34.5 x 6-7 µm, narrowly fusiform, 1-septate, slightly constricted at the ± median septum, the upper cell slightly broader than the lower one, hyaline, smooth, fairly thin-walled, surrounded by a broad gelatinous sheath 3-4 µm thick after discharge from the ascus.