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Lophiostoma caulium
Family: LophiostomataceaeGenus: Lophiostoma
Anamorph: Conidiomata observed only in culture, 120-140 µm high and 130-250 µm diam, with a short neck. Conidiophores formed from the entire inner surface of the conidioma, (4–)6–12(–15) × 1.5–3µm, septate, branched, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, the lower part often slightly swollen, proliferating percurrently with minute collarettes. Conidia 3–4 × 1–2 µm, ellipsoidal, aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages [data from Tanaka & Harada, 2003, from cultures referable to the taxon referred to by Holm & Holm (1988) as var. “d”].
Teleomorph: Ascostromata scattered or aggregated, 500–700 µm diam, semi-erumpent, globose-conical, the apical part strongly papillate with a well-developed matt black irregular crest to 200 µm tall and to 300 µm in length. Ascostromatal wall 15–30 µm thick laterally, rather thinner at the base, strongly melanized, composed of 4–5 layers of flattened angular cells. Interascal tissue composed of copious thin-walled anastomosing pseudoparaphyses 1.5–2.5 µm diam, lacking a gelatinous matrix. Asci 70–120 × (10–) 13–18 (–21) µm, narrowly clavate, with a tapered stalk, fissitunicate, with a small ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (17–)19–23(–26) [mean 21.8, sd 1.80, n=40] × 4.5–6µm [mean 5.1, sd 0.37, n=40], mean length/breadth ratio 4.6:1, fusiform, 5- to 7-septate, often curved, slightly constricted at the septa and slightly more so at the ± median primary septum, the cell immediately above the primary septum usually a little inflated, guttulate when young, becoming mid brown, smooth-walled, usually with a gelatinous sheath surrounding the spore that is attenuated at each end to form ± conical appendages to ca 5 (rarely to 10) µm in length.