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Lichenostigma chlaroterae
Family: PhaeococcomycetaceaeGenus: Lichenostigma
Mycelium poorly developed, brown, superficial, smooth-walled, originating from the germination of ascospores.
Anamorph: conidial stromata variable in diameter, in young populations frequently less than 20 μm diam., in older populations to 80 (-110) μm diam., irregularly convex or applanate, constricted at the base, the external cells verrucose or granulose, dark brown-black. Conidia (5.5–) 7–10 (−13) × (5–) 6.5–9 (−11) μm, subspherical to ellipsoidal, composed of (3–) 4–9 (−16) [in optical section with (3–) 4–6 (−8) cells visible], the cells (2.5–) 3.5–4.5 (−6) μm diam., dark brown, smooth, rarely with an echinulate ornamentation when overmature.
Teleomorph: ascomata extremely rare, mixed with conidiomata from which they are macroscopically indistinguishable. Asci ca 28 × 22 μm. Ascospores 9–9.5 × 4–4.5 μm, ellipsoidal, 1-septate, brown.