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Leucostoma kunzei
Family: ValsaceaeGenus: Leucostoma
Teleomorph: stromata 0.75-1.5 mm diam., ± circular, flattened at the base, rather prominent, breaking through the periderm in a lobate or transverse fissure. Ectostromatic disc 500-700 µm diam., dark greyish-brown. Entostroma delimited by a conspicuous black zone line, often visible in the peridermal fissure, containing 8-20 ascomata. Ascomata 300-400 µm diam., often angular by mutual pressure, densely crowded in the stroma, the peripheral perithecia sometimes arranged in two layers. Necks 100-130 µm diam., generally just penetrating the disc. Peridium 20-30 µm thick, thicker near the base of the neck, composed of olive-brown angular cells 8-13 x 2-4 µm in size. Ostiolar canal very narrow, ca 13-15 µm diam., periphysate. Asci 25-30 x ca 4 µm, narrowly clavate, sessile. Ascospores 5-7 x ca 1.5 µm, subcylindrical, slightly curved.