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Lecanora saligna
Family: LecanoraceaeGenus: Lecanora
Thallus to 8 cm or more across, dispersed to ± contiguous granules, forming poorly delimited but often extensive patches, yellow-grey to grey; prothallus indistinct.
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia, frequent, red-brown to black. Conidia of three types: macroconidia [usually abundant], 6-8 (-9) × 1.5-2.5 (-3) μm, broadly fusiform to curved, truncate at the base; mesoconidia [rare], 8.4-10.5 x 0.9-1.2 μm, slightly curved; microconidia [rare], 3-5 x 1.1-1.5 μm, bacilliform.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, 0.2-0.8 (-1.1) mm diam., scarcely exceeding the thallus granules, sessile, often densely aggregated and then becoming angular by compression. Thalline exciple persistent, entire to crenulate but becoming inconspicuous with age, usually with a yellow tinge. Discs pale yellowish brown to red-brown, flat to slightly convex, sometimes slightly pruinose at first. Epithecium olivaceous green to brown, dissolving in K. Hymenium 45-65 μm tall. Interascal tissue of paraphyses 1.5-3 μm diam., sparsely branched, especially above, the apices swollen to 3.5 μm diam., colourless or olivaceous brown. Asci 50-60 × 13-18 μm. Ascospores 7-10 (-13) × 4-5 μm, ellipsoidal.
Chemistry: thallus C–, K–, KC–, Pd–, UV– (isousnic acid, ± neousnic acid, ± atranorin, ± zeorin).