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Lecanora argentata
Family: LecanoraceaeGenus: Lecanora
Thallus continuous, pure white or with yellow or green tinges (in shade), smooth at the margins but uneven to warted centrally. Prothallus usually black and well-developed.
Anamorph: no information available.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecial. Apothecia 0.4-0.8(-1) mm diam., sessile, dispersed or aggregated, constricted below. Thalline exciple persistent, smooth to crenulate, containing massive crystals not soluble in K. Discs red or dark brown, sometimes piebald. Epithecium red-brown, without granules, not pruinose. Hymenium (60-)75- 90(-100) µm tall. Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm wide, sparsely branched and anastomosed, apices to 3 µm wide, slightly swollen, faintly yellow. Asci 45-55 × 18-22 µm, broadly clavate, Ascospores (10.5-)11.5-14.5(-17.5) × (5.5-)6- 8.5 µm, broadly ellipsoid, walls 0.5-1 µm thick.
Chemistry: thallus C–, K+ yellow, Pd+ weakly yellow, UV– (atranorin, gangaleoidin, usually traces of californin).