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Laetisaria lichenicola
Family: CorticiaceaeGenus: Laetisaria
Anamorph: conidial and bulbilliferous morphs unknown.
Teleomorph: basidiomata to ca 2 mm diam., light pink to coral, effuse, thin, adnate, granulose, floccose, appearing glossy where sporulation is not occurring, the margin indeterminate. Vegetative hyphae 2.5–3 µm diam., hyaline, straight or occasionally contorted, lacking clamps, smooth, thick-walled, dolipores ca. 0.5 µm diam. Subhymenial hyphae 2.5-4 µm diam., hyaline, thin-walled, lacking clamps, septate, smooth. Hymenium comprising a single layer of basidia on vertically branching, thin-walled hyphae. Hyphidia, cystidia and other sterile hymenial elements lacking. Basidia ca 25–40 x 7.5–9 µm, initially to 11.5 µm diam. at the base and elongate-cylindrical, when mature ca 30–35 x 9.5–12 µm, usually clavate to suburniform, aseptate, distinctly wider than the supporting hyphae; the wall 0.6–1.0 µm thick, basal clamps lacking. Sterigmata two per basidium, 6.5–11.5 µm long and 3–3.5 µm wide at the base, curved. Basidiospores 14.5–18.5 (–20.0) x (8–) 10.5–12.5 µm, pyriform or lacriform, one side frequently flattened or slightly concave, hyaline, smooth, quite thick-walled, aseptate, not staining in iodine, with a prominent truncate hilum (attachment point) 1.5–3 µm diam.