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Kernia nitida
Family: MicroascaceaeGenus: Kernia
Stroma absent.
Anamorph: Scopulariopsis sp. Conidiomata absent. Conidiophores usually short undifferentiated side branches from vegetative mycelium, single or branched, sometimes clustered to form small synnemata. Conidiogenous cells singly or in clusters of 2-4, 5-14 x 2-4µm, cylindrical to flask-shaped, proliferating by annellides. Conidia 3.5-12 x 2-4.5µm, clavate to cylindrical, the base truncate, hyaline individually but pale grey or brown en masse, smooth, sometimes forming false chains.
Teleomorph: ascomata 200-350µm diam, cleistothecial, ± globose to polyhedral, black, when young covered by pale ornamented hairs, when mature glabrous but for 2-3 tufts of 2-5(-15) dark brown septate thick- and smooth-walled elongated appendages to 1500 x 3-7µm, usually coiled at the apex. Subiculum absent. Peridium thick-walled, composed of a number of layers of dark brown very thick-walled textura globulosa to angularis with cells to 4.5µm diam, with inner layers of paler and thinner-walled tissue. Interascal tissue absent. Asci 7-14µm diam, irregularly arranged, globose to ovoid, very thin-walled, evanescent, formed in chains, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged irregularly, 4.5-6 x 3.5-4µm, ellipsoidal to ovoid, orange-brown, thin-walled, with a minute and inconspicuous germ pore at one end, without a mucous sheath.
Colonies on agar grey or black, felty or cottony, the reverse often brown to orange or purple.