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Keissleriella subalpina
Family: LentitheciaceaeGenus: Keissleriella
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascostromata 150-200 µm diam., circular to broadly elliptical in outline, 100-150 µm tall, conical when young and eventually becoming oblate-conical, the ostiole prominent, minutely papillate and lined with short black inward-pointing spines [3-7 x 1-2 µm fide Bose 1961, ca 25 µm long and 4 µm diam fide Dennis 1964]. Upper wall 12-18 µm thick, clypeate and strongly melanized with the tissues occluded, the lower wall hyaline and composed of pseudoparenchymatous tissue. Interascal tissue composed of filiform cellular pseudoparaphyses which appear to break down with maturity of the asci. Asci 46-51 x 13-17.5 µm [35-52 x 12-17 µm fide Bose 1961, 90-105 x 12 µm fide Dennis 1964], saccate to cylindric-pyriform, thick-walled and fissitunicate, subsessile or short-stalked, the apex rounded with an elongated ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged obliquely biseriately or irregularly, 15-16 x 5.5-6 µm [12-15 x 4-4.5 µm fide Bose 1961, 19-21 x 4.5-5 µm fide Dennis 1964], strongly constricted at the supramedian septum, the upper cell ovoid and significantly wider than the lower cell which is cylindric-conical and itself constricted in the mid portion), hyaline, smooth- and quite thin-walled, gelatinous sheath and appendages not seen.