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Hygrocybe roseascens
Family: HygrophoraceaeGenus: Hygrocybe
Cap: 7-25 mm wide, plano-convex to concave, occasionally with a small umbo, dry, slightly felty and in centre third usually squamulose (scaly), edge transparently striate when young, pale grey, greyish brown to pale mouse-grey, usually with pink tinge, weakly hygrophanous, becoming unicoloured ash-grey with distinct violaceous or pinkish tinge. Gills: moderately to slightly decurrent (running down the stem), distant and thick, pale grey to greyish-cream. Stem: 10-25 x 1-2.5 mm, round in cross section, dry and somewhat fibrillose, shiny ash-grey or silvery white, often covered with a white pruina disappearing when handled, usually stuffed. Flesh: odourless and tasteless; pale greyish, darker grey in the stem base. Pileipellis: a dry cutis, transitioning to a trichoderm towards the centre. Basidia: 4-spored, 42-47 x 7-8 μm. Spores: broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, apiculate, smooth, hyaline, 58,5 47,5 μm; Q .: lat long. = 1, 11, 25 (1,4); Q = 1,17. Hymenial cystidia: absent.
Description adapted from: Ludwig E. Hygrocybe rigelliae (VELEN.) E.LUDWIG comb. nov. und Hygrocybe roseascens sp. nova, eine nahestehende Art aus der Untergattung Cuphophyllus (Agaricales, Hygrophoraceae, Tricholomataceae). Feddes Repertorium 115 (2004) 1–2, 35–42, and Boertmann, D. (2010). The genus Hygrocybe. The Danish Mycological Society.