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Helvella macropus
Family: HelvellaceaeGenus: Helvella
Helvella macropus
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata 20-30 mm diam., deeply cupulate, regular, the hymenium even, yellowish-brown to pale greyish-brown; outside villose, concolorous with the hymenium or grey; stipe terete, 25-40 mm high and 3-5 mm diam., thickened near the base and often compressed above, villose, concolorous with the outside, but often gradually becoming whitish below. Interascal tissue of paraphyses, slightly clavate at the apex to 6-9 µm diam. Asci 13-18 µm diam., 8-spored. Ascospores 20-26 x 9-12 µm, fusiform-ellipsoidal, often with conspicuous pustules and/or delicately warted when young.
Description adapted from Dissing (1966).