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Gyrographa gyrocarpa
Family: RoccellaceaeGenus: Gyrographa
Thallus thin to medium, effuse or finely rimose-cracked, often forming extensive mosaics, pale tan to deep chocolate-brown, sometimes with paler, pinkish areas. Prothallus dark, delimiting or absent. Soralia 0.4-1.5 (-2.5) mm diam., scattered, often in patches or becoming confluent, dull yellow-grey, ochraceous, rarely brown, fading to pale buff-grey in dried collections. Photobiont Trentepohlia.
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia. Conidia 3.8-6 × 0.5-0.7 μm, narrowly cylindrical to bacilliform.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, occasional, 0.7-1.6 (-2) mm wide, knot-like or clustered-gyrose, rounded, sessile, scattered, rarely crowded and contiguous, very thick-walled, carbonaceous, disc a persistent slit. Exciple and hypothecium K+ olive-green. Epithecium pale. Hymenium 80-120 μm tall, I–. Hypothecium carbonised, very thick. Interascal tissue composed of rather broad thick-walled branched and anastomosing pseudoparaphyses, with slightly swollen apices. Ascospores (12-) 17-25 (-30) × (3-) 4-6 μm, slightly clavate, straight, 3-septate, hyaline, rather thick-walled, smooth, without an epispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Chemistry: soralia C+ red, K–, KC+ red, Pd–, UV+ glaucous or pale yellow (gyrophoric, schizopeltic acids, unidentified xanthone and accessory substances). Occasional C- variants occur, possibly due to sparse production of soredia.