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Geoglossum fallax
Family: GeoglossaceaeGenus: Geoglossum
Anamorph: unknown.
Teleomorph: ascomata 20–65 (–80) × (3–) 5–7 mm, cylindric-clavate to clavate, sometimes somewhat laterally compressed, the apex obtuse to rounded, dark brown to black (glossy when fully hydrated), not glutinous. Fertile part not clearly differentiated from the stipe, occupying the upper part of the ascoma and extending to around half of its length. Stipe 2–3 mm diam., terete, dark brown to fuliginous, squamulose especially in the upper portion and covered in short brown agglutinated hairs. Interascal tissue composed of filiform paraphyses 3–4 µm diam., longer than the asci and sometimes adherent in distinct clusters within a dark brown mucous matrix, often strongly curved or coiled at the apex, hyaline to pale brown throughout, not closely septate, not or slightly constricted at septa, the apical cells clavate to obovoid. Asci 150–200 × 18–20 µm, cylindric-clavate to clavate, mostly slightly attenuated towards the rounded apex, fairly thick-walled but not fissitunicate, with a J+ apical pore, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged in parallel, (45–) 65–90 (–110) × 5–6 µm, narrowly cylindric-clavate with a rounded apex and acute base, straight or slightly curved, very variable in colour (becoming dark brown only late in development) and septation (mature spores usually 7- to 13-septate), fairly thin- and smooth-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.