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Entoloma ochreoprunuloides
Family: EntolomataceaeGenus: Entoloma
A fairly robust Entoloma in semi-natural grasslands with several different colour forms:
- A brown form which is similar to the widespread E. prunuloides (Mealy Pinkgill) but with darker brown cap (including the holotype of E. ochreoprunuloides and E. prunuloides var. obscurum).
- A pink capped form.
- A brown with violaceous tinges form which has historically been included within the concept of Entoloma bloxamii s.l. (E. ochreoprunuloides forma hyacinthinum).
Gills: moderately distant, adnate-emarginate, sordid pink with entire, concolorous edge. Stem: 30-50 x 5-8 mm, cylindrical, straight, off-white to pale grey-brown, much paler than pileus, innately fibrillose lengthwise. Context: concolorous, rather firm. Smell and taste farinaceous (mealy or starchy). Spores: 5.9-7.1 x 5.7-7.2 μm, average 6.6-6.4 μm, Q = 1.01.16, Qav = 1.04, isodiametric, 5-6 angled. Basidia: (27)30-35(43) 8-11.4 μm, 4-spored clavate, clamped. Pileipellis: in the centre a cutis with narrow cylindrical elements of 23-48 x 1.57 μm; in the middle of the radius a cutis of cylindrical elements of 29-60 x 28 μm and with brown pigment, intracellular and diffuse. Subpellis: very well differentiated, made of inflated to rounded elements, 35-69 x 22-34 μm with diffuse, intracellular, brown pigment and also parietal pigment.
Description adapted from L.N. Morgado et al. (2013).