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Enchnoa infernalis
Family: NitschkiaceaeGenus: Enchnoa
Anamorph: unknown.
Teleomorph: ascomata ca 1 mm diam., ± hemispherical, occasionally deformed by mutual pressure, upright with an inconspicuous or scarcely papillate ostiole, blackish, brown tomentose, scattered to crowded, formed on an extended tomentum at the ascomatal bases that sometimes develops as an extensive mat as deep as the ascomata, immersed beneath bark. Peridium composed of outer rounded-angular cells with thick brown walls merging into inner compressed-elongate thin-walled hyaline cells. Interascal tissue composed of paraphysis-like ascogenous hyphae, not clearly seen. Asci 85-125 x 10-13 µm, clavate, narrowly clavate when immature, with very long stalk regions but often broken in squash mounts, thin-walled (often not discernable in mature asci due to spore expansion), delicate, J-, apex rounded, 8-spored. Ascospores 15-20 x 4-5.5 µm, allantoid to straight, hyaline when immature, yellowish to yellow-brown when mature, one-celled.