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Order: DothidealesFamily: Dothioraceae
Anamorph: Dothichiza Lib. ex Roum. (1880). Conidiomata pycnidial, globose to irregular. Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, phialidic, determinate, discrete, hyaline. Conidia ellipsoid to cylindrical or ovoid, hyaline becoming brown, smooth, simple.
Teleomorph: Stromata uni- or multilocular, cushion-shaped or flattened-globose, black, smooth, immersed becoming erumpent, composed of dark brown to blackish thick-walled angular and prismatic cells becoming darker and thicker-walled towards the outer layers. Ascomata pseudothecioid, as locules within the stroma and sometimes forming a continuous ring, without conspicuous ostioles. Interascal tissue absent or as slight remnants of interascal pseudoparenchyma. Asci cylindrical to clavate, somewhat saccate, short-stalked, thick-walled, fissitunicate, J-, 8-spored, arising parallel to each other from the entire base of the locule or rarely on a slight basal cushion of hyaline cells. Ascospores ovoid to narrowly ellipsoid often asymmetric, hyaline to yellow-brown, smooth, multi-septate and often with longitudinal septa, shorter and more rounded above the primary septum.