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Delitschia pachylospora
Family: DelitschiaceaeGenus: Delitschia
Anamorph: unknown.
Teleomorph: Stromata absent. Ascomata 900-1250µm diam, subglobose or pyriform, yellowish brown to almost black, ± glabrous, with a cylindrical neck to 400 µm long. Peridium composed of several layers of thick-walled textura angularis with cells to 14 µm diam. Interascal tissue composed of copious trabeculate pseudoparaphyses 1-2 µm diam. Asci 400-500 x 50-70 µm, cylindrical, tapering to a stalk to ca 50 µm in length, the apex rounded, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged obliquely uniseriately, 47-65(-75) x (25-)29-35(-37) µm, ellipsoidal to cylindric-ellipsoidal, the ends rounded, dark brown, very thick-walled, hardly constricted at the median transverse septum, with a longitudinal germ slit and a well-developed gelatinous sheath.
No UK material has been seen, and the description has been taken from Luck-Allen & Cain (1975).