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Coniochaeta savoryi
Family: ConiochaetaceaeGenus: Coniochaeta
Coniochaeta savoryi
Anamorph: unknown.
Teleomorph: Ascomata 40-60µm diam, cleistothecial, globose, mid brown, thin-walled, ± smooth, glabrous, superficial in culture. Peridium composed of 2-3 layers of thin-walled mid brown flattened textura angularis with cells to 8µm diam. Interascal tissue absent. Asci 40-50 x 7.5-9µm, cylindrical with a round undifferentiated apex, thin-walled, 4-spored. Ascospores 16.5-19.5 x 5-6.5µm, fusiform, often slightly curved (fabiform), pale to mid brown, thin-walled, minutely punctate (visible only with SEM; see García et al. 2006) with a single longitudinal germ slit extending the whole length of the spore, mucous sheath absent.