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Colipila masduguana
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Colipila
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecial, 1-1.5 (-2.5) mm diam., gregarious, pure white to pale cream, becoming olivaceous buff to red-brown when dried, short-stalked (stipe 500-800 x 200-500 µm), not gelatinous, the disc flat, densely hairy on the stalk and outer surface. Excipulum composed of hyphal tissue in the medullary region, and prismatic cells in the outer layer of the stalk. Outer excipular hairs 45-60 x 3-5 µm, hyaline, multiseptate, tapering gradually to an obtuse apex, smooth but with occasional adhering granules. Hymenium surrounded by an inner excipular layer of thin-walled paraphysis-like hyphae, of similar length to the asci. Paraphyses 60-70 x 5-7 µm (exceeding asci by 5-10 µm), hyaline, thin-walled, multiseptate, sharply tapering from the mid point to the acute apex, lacking vacuolar bodies. Asci 55-65 x 5-6 µm, ± cylindrical, short-stalked, fairly thick-walled but not fissitunicate, with croziers, the apex obtuse with a conspicuous apical ring that blues in IKI, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (8-) 9-11 (-12) x 2-2.5 µm, ellipsoidal to fusiform or rhomboid, the ends acute to obtuse, thin-walled, hyaline, aseptate, smooth with a few tiny oil bodies at each end.