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Cladonia polydactyla
Family: CladoniaceaeGenus: Cladonia
Thallus: basal squamules small, incised, occasionally ± thinly sorediate below and often with orange pigmentation (K+ purple) regions at base. Podetia 1-2 (-3) cm tall, pale grey to whitish or greenish grey, pointed at first, later with narrow, usually irregular, abruptly tapering scyphi (to 5 mm wide), often variously proliferating from margins or remaining dentate, usually simple, occasionally sparingly branched near apices, ± entirely farinose- to coarsely granular-sorediate and mixed with squamules which are particularly frequent near the base, at times patchily decorticate, especially above.
Apothecia and pycnidia red, at apices of podetia, single or clustered, rather frequent.
Thallus C–, K+ yellow-orange, KC–, Pd+ orange, UV– (thamnolic acid).