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Chaetothyriales sp. P1039
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Unknown genus
Anamorph: unknown.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, seated on a setose subiculum of dark-walled hyphae, 270-380 μm diam, 220-350 μm tall, minutely papillate, the ostiole inconspicuous, often collapsing when dry, black, setose. Ascomata wall membranous, rather thin, composed of 2-3 layers of dark brown thick-walled irregular globose to epidermoid cells 8-10 μm, with strongly melanized and almost completely occuded cells on the surface. Setae 4-6 μm diam and 60-80 μm in length, dark brown, the tip acute to obtuse, scattered over the ascomatal wall and also developing from the subiculum. Interascal tissue absent. Asci 73-85 x 14-18 μm, clavate, fairly short-stalked, croziers not evident, the apex obtuse to rounded, often thick-walled in the apical region but not fissitunicate, apical stuctures not evident, initially 8-spored but frequently with less than eight maturing. Ascospores 10-12.5 x 6.4-7.8 μm, pyriform, irregularly arranged within the ascus, the ends rounded, 1-septate, strongly constricted at the septum, uniformly thin-walled, the smaller cell 5-6 μm in width, hyaline, smooth-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.