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Cercophora sulphurella
Family: LasiosphaeriaceaeGenus: Cercophora
Stromata: absent.
Ascomata: 400-600 µm diam, scattered or aggregated in small clusters, globose to pyriform, superficial to semi-erumpent, the neck weakly papillate, 50-100 µm in height, periphysate; membranous, dark brown, covered in a pale yellow-brown tomentum. Peridium composed of three layers; the outer layer of mid brown angular cells to 14 µm diam, merging into an inner layer of hyaline compressed tissue. Interascal tissue not seen; presumably breaking down at maturity. Asci 180 x 15-18 µm, narrowly clavate, rather long-stalked, thin-walled at all stages, the apex rounded to truncate with a small apical ring, 8-spored [data from the original publication by Saccardo]. Ascospores arranged biseriately, at first 55-60 x 3.5 µm, often slightly sigmoid or weakly geniculate near the base, hyaline, thin-walled, aseptate and with two polar tapering gelatinous appendages 14-18 µm in size; eventually (often after leaving the ascus) becoming septate about at the upper third, the upper cell 16-19 x 7-8 µm, becoming ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal and dark brown, germ pore not seen, both upper and lower cells sometimes developing secondary septa.
Anamorph: unknown.
No material has been seen; the description is taken from Hilber & Hilber (1979). The pale yellowish brown tomentum covering the ascomata is the main differential character.