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Ceratosphaeria lampadophora
Family: CeratosphaeriaceaeGenus: Ceratosphaeria
Stromata absent.
Ascomata 650-1100 µm diam, the body globose to pyriform, often irregular in shape due to compression, partially immersed to almost superficial, dark brown to black, carbonaceous, with a long cylindrical black thick-walled neck 600-1000 (-4000) µm in length and 200-250 µm diam, which is easily detached, scattered to densely aggregated. Peridium composed of a large number of layers of very thick-walled rather small cells intermediate between textura angularis and epidermoidea, merging into somewhat paler tissue intermediate between textura intricata and porrecta in the neck region. Interascal tissue of paraphyses to 6 µm diam, very thin-walled, probably evanescent at maturity, periphyses well-developed. Asci 180-230 x 8-9.5 µm, cylindrical, fairly thin-walled, with a short narrow stalk, the apex truncate, with a conspicuous J- apical ring ca 2.5 µm diam and 4 µm deep, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, 58-76 x 3.5-4.5 µm, cylindrical to narrowly cylindric-fusiform, the ends acute, often slightly curved, thin-walled, hyaline, becoming 5- to 7-septate, not constricted at the septa, guttulate, smooth, without a gelatinous sheath.