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Capronia sp. P4207
Family: HerpotrichiellaceaeGenus: Capronia
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, 60-70 µm diam. and 60-75 µm tall, superficial singly and in small clusters, globose to shortly pyriform, the ostiolar region not clearly papillate, black, the peridium covered with short spinose hairs 30-35 µm long and 4.5-5.5 µm diam. near the base, gradually tapering to an obtuse tip, thick-walled, the cellular contents obscured and septation not clearly visible. Peridium composed of several layers of dark brown rather thick-walled angular cells 4.5-7 µm diam., pigmentation on the surface somewhat varied, Munk pores not present; ostiole not clearly observed. Interascal tissue difficult to interpret; a few thick-walled hyphae to ca 2 µm diam. were seen close to the asci in a squash mount, but these could possibly belong to a contaminant species. Asci 44-54 x 12.5-16 µm, clavate to cylindric-clavate, with a fairly short tapering stalk, fairly thick-walled but no evidence of a fissitunicate structure not seen [immature asci not present in the material examined], the apex rounded to truncate, no apical structures seen, not blueing in iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (16.5-) 17-18.8 (-20.3) x 4.2-4.9 (-5.3) µm, (2-) 3-septate, clavate to clavate-fusiform, clearly constricted at the usually slightly supramedian primary septum and only slightly at the others, the second cell from the apex usually wider than the others; quite thick-walled, golden brown, smooth, without a perispore.