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Capronia chlorospora
Family: HerpotrichiellaceaeGenus: Capronia
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata 70-110 µm diam., superficial, scattered, ± globose, black, strongly setose. Setae scattered over the surface of the ascomata, 20-32 x 3.5-5 µm at the base, tapering gradually, black, smooth, aseptate, acuminate, ostiolar setae not differentiated. Peridium brown, the outer layer composed of thick-walled angular cells 4-10 X 3-6 µm in size. Interascal tissue not seen. Asci 43-51 x 18-29 µm, clavate to cylindric-clavate, with rostrate dehiscence, containing an apical ring that is indistinct in both unstained preparations and in Melzer's reagent, young asci with a thickened and elongated endotunica, mature asci thinner-walled, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (14.1-) 15.1-17.5 x (5.2-) 5.8-7.1 µm, at first hyaline, becoming grey-brown, clavate with obtuse ends, with usually 5 transverse septa when mature, and oblique or longitudinal septa usually lining two or three of the transverse septa, often strongly constricted at the transvserse septa, smooth-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.