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Calosphaeria parasitica
Family: CalosphaeriaceaeGenus: Calosphaeria
Calosphaeria parasitica
Stromata: absent.
Ascomata: perithecia, 0.25(-0.75) mm diam., necks to 0.75 mm, in lax to crowded groups of 4-15, sometimes deformed by mutual pressure, occasionally solitary (but then with others in groups nearby), overlying or amongst other pyrenomycetes, immersed beneath bark. Interascal tissue composed of paraphysis-like ascogenous hyphae greatly exceeding the asci. Asci 14-23 x 3-4.5 µm. Ascospores 3-5 x 0.5-1 µm, often slightly curved, aseptate.
Anamorph: unknown.