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Burgoa angulosa
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Burgoa
Basidiomata and conidiomata unknown.
Colonies appearing as dispersed or clustered bulbils overgrowing lichen thalli. Mycelium absent in most specimens, but where present the septa have clamp connections. Bulbils 100–250×80–160 μm, superficial, single or in short straight or ramified chains, irregular in form, ± globose, ellipsoidal or elongate, the surface uneven, often slightly to distinctly angular, whitish to slightly translucent, without hairs, without specialized external cells. Cells of the outer layer ± globose, 6–9 μm diam., internal tissues composed of elongate, straight or curved, rarely branched septate hyphae, 4.5–11 μm diam., individual cells 5–30 μm long, cell wall ca 0.5 μm thick, septa with clamps, crystals absent in most specimens, rarely abundant on the surface of the bulbils (then visible in polarized light).