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Arcopilus aureus
Family: ChaetomiaceaeGenus: Arcopilus
Ascomata 80-160 µm diam, spherical to ovoid, pale green to olivaceous, with well-developed rhizoids. Peridium composed of angular to irregular fairly thick-walled cells 6-11 µm diam, with conspicuous hairs forming from the upper part of the wall. Ascomatal hairs golden yellow to yellow-brown, 3-5 µm diam at the base, rather thick-walled and verrucose, arcuate and tending to be incurved. Interascal tissue none, at least at maturity. Asci 30-40 x 10-14 µm, clavate, short-stalked, evanescent at an early stage, 8-spored. Ascospores 9-11 x 5-6 µm, fusiform and inaequilateral with one side often almost plane, hyaline and dextrinoid when young, grey-brown when mature, usually with two apical germ pores. Colonies growing rapidly, often with reddish exudates and a red reverse.