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Anthostomella tumulosa
Family: XylariaceaeGenus: Anthostomella
Conidial morph not known.
Stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, 220-300 µm diam. and 270-310 µm high, scattered, immersed beneath a small but quite conspicuous black clypeus which is penetrated by a small conical papilla. Clypeus is formed from dark thick-walled hyphae in the upper and side walls of the epidermal cells. Peridium ca 15 µm thick with an outer layer of dark thick-walled cells and an inner layer of hyaline thin-walled compressed cells. Interascal tissue composed of copious gradually tapering unbranched thin-walled paraphyses to ca 4 µm diam. near the base. Asci 105-130 x 14-16 (-19) µm [90-150 x 9-13 (-18) µm fide Francis 1975], cylindrical, rather short-stalked, fairly thin-walled and not fissitunicate, the apex obtuse with an apical ring 3-4 µm diam. and ca 1 µm thick [4 x 3 µm fide Francis 1975], 8-spored or rarely 4-spored. Ascospores arranged obliquely uniseriately, rather variable in size and with the discharged spores shorter and broader than those within the asci; 15.5-17 (-19) x (7-) 8-10 µm [15-23 x 7-9 µm fide Francis 1975], ellipsoidal, slightly inaequilateral, dark brown, smooth, with a germ slit running the length of the spore on the flattened face, with a broad gelatinous sheath to ca 3 µm thick.
Description adapted in part from Francis (1975).