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Anthostomella sp. P4440
Family: XylariaceaeGenus: Anthostomella
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, oblate to subglobose, 200-300 µm diam. and 170-300 µm tall, with a short ± papillate neck; scattered or in groups, immersed in the mesophyll and sometimes below a common clypeus. Clypeus dense, 350-500 µm diam., composed of ± occluded epidermal and subepiderma cells completely filled with dark thick-walled hyphae. Ascomatal wall black, leathery, composed of an outer layer of strongly pigmented thick-walled angular cells to ca 15 µm diam., and an internal layer of almost hyaline flattened tissue. Interascal tissue rather sparse, of thin-walled unbranched paraphyses 2-3 µm in diam, evanescent at maturity. Asci 105-115 x 7.5-9 µm, cylindrical, the apex rounded and the basal region short and tapered, rather thin-walled; apical ring hardly visible in water but staining blue in Lugol's iodine, truncate-conical with the upper part 2.5-3 µm and the lower part 1.8-2 µm diam., 2.5-3 µm in height; 8-spored. Ascospores arranged uniseriately, often partially or entirely obliquely, fusiform-ellipsoidal, hardly inaequilateral, the upper cell 9.7-12 x 4-5 (-5.5) µm, dark chocolate brown when mature, smooth-walled, germ slit short, 2.5-3 µm in length, inconspicuous, longitudinal, straight; the subsidiary cell 1.5-2 µm in diam. and length, rounded, hyaline; with a broad gelatinous sheath that deliquesces at maturity.