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Adelococcus alpestris
Family: AdelococcaceaeGenus: Adelococcus
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, 250-350 µm diam., black, singly or in small groups on the host thallus, immersed or partially erumpent when mature, not papillate, ± spherical but irregular in form, glabrous, the peridium to 50 µm thick, more so in the ostiolar region, with a black outer layer and a ± hyaline inner layer. Interascal tissue composed of thin-walled paraphyses 1.5-2 µm diam., evanescent at maturity, periphyses well-developed, lining the ostiole. Hymenium IKI+ blue. Asci 58-73 x 21-26 µm, thin-walled, apparently not fissitunicate but perhaps with rostrate dehiscence, clavate, short-stalked, the apex rounded, without any apical structure, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged irregularly, 10.6-13.6 x 8.1-10.3 µm (11-18 (-21) x 7-13 µm fide Matzer & Hafellner 1990), broadly ellipsoidal to ovoid, sometimes slightly inaequilateral, dark brown, aseptate (rarely with a median septum; Matzer & Hafellner 1990), thick-walled, with a gelatinous sheath when young, minutely rugulose when mature - possibly due to degeneration of the sheath.
Description adapted partially from Matzer & Hafellner (1990).